Admission For Treatment/ Services Form

Save time during your next appointment! Complete your required forms online from any device at any time before your visit.

Admission For Treatment/Services Form

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit.


I am the owner of the above-mentioned animal. I have discussed the reasons for my pet's hospitalization with a veterinarian and I am satisfied with the plan of management for my pet's condition. I have also had the likely fees explained to me, and I understand that the deposit I am leaving may or may not cover the cost of treatment for my pet. I accept full responsibility for payment of the remainder of the balance at the time of my pet's discharge.

While my pet is in the ANIMAL CARE CENTER receiving treatment, I agree to indemnify the ANIMAL CARE CENTER, its servants or agents, from any loss or liability which they may incur as a result of any inaccuracy, whether intended or otherwise, in this, my solemn declaration.